Brookfield Residential Tree Planting Program
We dare you to think about an established community — the kind that calls to mind friendly neighbours, porch swings, and kids on bikes — without imagining a street lined with trees. You can’t, can you?
We can’t, either. After all, what’s more welcoming than sun-dappled streets?
The whisper of the wind through the leaves? No matter how much our lifestyles change, these bits of nature in front of our homes still soothe us. That’s why Brookfield strives to plant as many trees as possible within our communities. It’s why our landscape architects hand-pick every tree we plant, based on soil compatibility, colour palettes, and space constraints.
Did you receive a flag in your front yard? If yes, please expect your tree to planted in the upcoming planting round.
Program Schedule
Watch for your community (and phase) here, and find out when you can expect your tree to be planted.
Planting season begins in June.
* Schedules are subject to change due to weather
Please call us if you have not received your tree yet, we want to make sure all residents receive their tree in a timely manner.
Tell you more? Add you to the list? Absolutely. Fill out the form below to stay in contact with us.
For more information regarding private lot trees please call 403-934-2829.
The communities of Cranston and Seton only have complete streets, for information on what this means click here. If you have any questions regarding tree planting in Seton call 311.

Frequently Asked Questions
I received a flag on my lawn, when do I get my tree?
If you have a flag on your lawn, you can expect receive your tree in the next round of plantings. Take a look at the schedule above to see which dates have been set aside for your community.
Can I choose what type of tree I will receive?
Each year, specific trees are pre-purchased for the lots ready for planting; the trees are chosen according to planting plans. Therefore, we’ll only plant the tree that is predetermined for your lot and will not substitute species.
Can I plant my tree myself?
You may fill out and submit the tree enquiry form found here or you can call our Tree Line at 403-934-2829 and leave a message with your name, address and phone number requesting that you would like to have your tree dropped off. This does not apply to City of Calgary Complete Street phases.
I don't want a tree, how can I opt-out of the program?
You may fill out and submit the tree enquiry form found here or you can call our Tree Line at 403-934-2829 and leave a message with your name, address and phone number saying that you do not wish to receive a tree (this does not apply to City of Calgary Complete Street phases). We encourage you to have a tree planted on your property, as it has been carefully selected to help create a “streetscape” with the other trees on your block. If you choose to decline, we will not provide cash-in-lieu or other compensation.
What is a City of Calgary Complete Street?
The City of Calgary’s Complete Street initiative aims to develop streets that accommodate all forms of transportation, including walking, cycling, transit and driving. Complete Streets Policy and Guide was developed in conjunction with city planners, developers and engineers to ensure truly sustainable transportation as well as better “livability” for everyone. You can read more about the policy at the City’s website.
What is the tree bag and how do I use it?
Your tree will be planted with a tree bag, which you should fill with water every 10 days.
Please leave the tree bag in place for the first year after your tree has been planted. After a year, you can remove it and, if you like, re-use it elsewhere in your yard (your new trees will thank you for it!).
Here’s how you install a tree bag:
- Place the back of the bag against the trunk, with zippers on the uphill side of the tree
- Wrap both sides around the trunk until the zippers meet. Zip both sides of the bag together from bottom to top.
- Lift up the bag using the black fabric handles to expose the fill opening.
- Insert water hose into fill opening. Turn the water supply on and begin filling.
My tree has areas of black, hard swelling on new branches. What is this?
It is probably black knot, which is becoming more and more common in the area. Black Knot appears as a black, hard swelling in tree branches and most commonly affects Schubert Chokecherries, May Day trees, and Saskatoons.
- If you find Black Knot on your tree: Prune the infected branch 20-30 cm below the ‘knot.’
- Sterilize your pruning tools with hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol between each cut.
- Burn, bury, or dispose of the diseased wood in a tied plastic garbage bag. Do not compost diseased branches.
How do I care for my tree?
Here are a few tips and tricks to make sure that you ensure the healthy and vigorous growth of your tree:
- Regular watering, either by use of the tree bag or another method, is recommended
- It is okay to allow the uppermost 2-3” of soil to become dry, but this soil should never be desert dry
- Fertilizing your tree can go a long way and should be adjusted seasonally;
- Early spring – a fertilizer high in either nitrogen or phosphorous is ideal to promote tree and root growth, with high nitrogen levels being most ideal when the tree is freshly planted
- Fall – once the first frost has come and gone is can be helpful to switch to a fertilizer with little to no nitrogen or phosphorous to assist the tree with food storage during the winter months
Does my tree come with warranty?
There is no warranty on your tree and as such once the tree has been installed you are fully responsible for the maintenance and watering of it.
Additional Information
Note: If your map indicates that you are to receive a Hoopsi Spruce. You will actually be getting a Colorado Spruce instead.